Thursday, December 6, 2007

Karl Rove is crazy and ugly

News summary for the last few days

1. President Bush lied about Irans weapons program.

2. Karl Rove is telling everyone that the Democrates are responsible for the war in Iraq

3. The CIA torutures people and them destroys the video tapes of these sessions.,23599,22885381-23109,00.html

I think that about sums up the past few days. Oh, by the way, I forgot to mention that Mitt Romney is still a Mormon..........But according to him he will not allow the church to sway his opinions. What a dork!! Don't worry Mitt you aren't going to get a chance to sway anyone.

Now lets start at the beginning. President Bush cried wolf sometime ago and claimed that Iran was on the verge of causing World War Three. Suprisingly the intelligence comunity released a report that proves Bush was lying through his teeth. Not only lying on this but also holding the report since October of 06. That report came out about the same time that Darth Vader Cheney had heart palpitations. I wonder if there is any connection between the truth coming out and Cheney's illness. Actually, I was suprised to learn that Vice Pres still has a heart...
The Republican presidental candidates have a real problem now. Each and every one of them was going to use Iran as the center peice of their campaigns. Now with no invasion or war in Iran they have to regroup and think of something else.

Second, Karl Rove made an appearance on PBS during the Charlie Rose show and again showed us how insane he really is. He is now claiming that the Democrates actually were the party that rushed to war in Iraq. Man, this guy is as insane as he is ugly. I guess being out of the loop is too much for Uncle Karl. He made a crazy claim during the interview. Take some time and listen to all 51 minutes. See if you can pick out the crazy parts.

Third. The CIA tortures people and records it. Big suprise there.
The CIA tortures people, records it, and destroyes the tapes. Wow, now I am suprised.

Finally, Mitt Romney is apologizing for being a Mormon. If you ask me, well he should. Kennedy may have been the first Catholic but I can say without any possibility of being wrong that there will never be a Mormon in the White House. Come on Mitt, your are no Jack Kennedy. But you do look very handsome. Hey, how about having one or two of your sons join the military and go fight in Iran.


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