Saturday, March 8, 2008

Hillary Lieberman... The woman who can destroy the Democrats

Hillary Clinton is acting as if her last name is Lieberman. How dare she imply that John McCain is better prepared to lead this country than her rival Barack Obama?

Has she lost her mind? She has jumped into the mud in the deep end. I guess the Clinton mentality is win at all costs. No matter what the cost to the average American. Hillary said in one of the final debates that "no matter what we will be fine." Here is a news flash for you Ms Clinton, if the Democrates do not win the next White House we will all NOT be fine.

I would expect low life tactics from the Right. But low life tactics from someone in your own party? I would have never guessed she would stoop so low.

I could and would never support Hilllary Rodham Clinton after the last few weeks of slime. I feel that this will cost her campaign in the future. People are tired of this type of infighting.

Hillary believes that she has some sort of birthright to occupy the White House. There is no birthright.

Go home Hillary and be a mediocre Senator.
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