Sunday, December 23, 2007

With year to go, Bush's legacy a mixed bag

Please check out this story on CNN. With year to go, Bush's legacy a mixed bag Notice that the reporter is one Ed Henry Senior correspondent from the Washington bureau. This guy is a hack and a kiss ass. He lies every chance he gets and omits to serve the Republican right. That is not journalism. Where CNN comes up with dweeb looking hacks is beyond me. Bob Woodward-style journalism of the Watergate era is dead and gone in today’s media atmosphere. Ed looks like the kind of guy who got the shit kicked out of him every day in high school.

Mr. Henry states in his article that "W" might actually be able to save his legacy. What diminision of unreality is this guy living in. "W's" legacy is beyond repair and beyond reproach as the worst and most dangerous President to occupy the Oval office. His disregard for human decency and human life will be compared to other stellar indiviuals from the the past like Stalin and Napoleon. This man single handedly has contributed to giant steps backward in diplomatic, economic, and simple human connection with the world at large. Mr. Bush will leave office with the world far worse off than when he entered the mix.

The major networks and newspapers have stooped to a new low in journalstic integrity. They hire anyone and allow them to be pundints rather than reporters. Hello?? CNN?? Do you have anyone in your organization that can print the truth. The world is getting tired of the bull shit you guys pass off as news and investigative journalism. How about we hire some hungry Woodward/Bernstein types and possibly print a story or two that doesn't stink to high heaven of bias and slant? But no, that would require CNN to grow a set of balls. CNN is a disgrace to journalism.
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