Recently on his show, ” Windbag” Rush Limbaugh, used terms and language that I have not heard since the early days of Clinton era. Windbag was actually criticizing one of his own party members in detail and with force.
Rush Limbaugh, the loudest voice of the conservative movement, has joined the chorus, accusing Huckabee of practicing “identity politics” (as an evangelical) and conservative apostasy. He told his listeners that Mr. Huckabee’s record is “not even anywhere near conservative.”
A Southern Baptist preacher with a pro life stand slammed by the leader of Conservative talk radio “not even anywhere near conservative?” What is happening here? Have I died and gone to heaven? I love nothing more than hearing the neoconservative movement beginning to unravel. They seem very desperate. Huckabee was being written off six months ago. Yet, here we are on the eve of the caucus in Iowa and he is the one to beat. This snippet of talk radio demonstrates just how desperate the Republican Party actually is and how not one of the current candidates satisfies the far Right.
Prediction for 2008 “Windbag”, you are currently criticizing the individual who will represent your party in the 2008 Presidential Election. This guy is a certifiable “nutcase” in my opinion, but he is striking a cord with many former Regan Republicans. So get used to it Rush, this is going to be the Right Wing man of the year. Better be careful what you say because you are going to be kissing his ass in just less than 366 days and counting.
As the elections of 2008 draw closer it makes me feel all warm inside to read and view on a daily basis the sweat that is dripping off the brow of the neoconservative crowd. Huckabee may be a complete lunatic but he is dangerous, dangerous to the neoconservative movement. Huckabee holds a place in the heart of the Republican Wannabes and this could spell disaster for the Republican Party as a whole. Hey Bill Kristol, Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, Sean Hannity and all the other fascist right, there is a shark in your swimming pool, and his name is Mike Huckabee.
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Friday, December 28, 2007
Republican Wannabes
If you consider yourself a good Republican then we need to talk for a moment.
First, open your mind and put aside the talking points that Fox Noise (News) and the Limbaugh’s of the world use as weapons………abortion, gays, guns, terrorism, and family freaking values.
So you call yourself a Republican. Sit yourself down, take a deep breath and look me right in the eye………………Are you out of your freaking mind????? Are you a millionaire? Are you in the top 1% income bracket in this nation? Do you belong to an exclusive country club? Does Saturday seem similar to any other day of the week? Do you own a huge company who employees undocumented workers? Did you receive bonus compensation this year in the amount of six figures? Did your company receive "No Bid" contracts from the federal government for sub par services delivered in Iraq?
If you answered no to any or all of the questions above then folks I have a news flash for you………………..YOU ARE NOT A REPUBLICAN. You may wish you were but none the less you are not, and never should be a Republican. You are a wannabe Republican.
Now answer these questions………….Do you fear for your job? Do you worry late at night that you might not be able to make the mortgage payment, or the car payment? Do you worry that a serious illness could bankrupt you? Do you check the amount on your paycheck each payday? Do you check your balance in your checking account often? Do you sometimes wonder how you will afford to send your children to college? Does a week’s vacation require a year of planning?
If you answered yes to any or all of these questions folks…………….YOU ARE NOT A REPUBLICAN!!!!
Did you realize that last year the top 1% richest individuals in the country had an increase in income that was larger than the total income of the bottom 20%?
Warren Buffet, the third richest men in the world actually pays a smaller percentage (17% of $46 million) in taxes than his very own secretary who pays 30% of her $60,000. Thanks to the Republican tax cuts of the past 7 years. . That is sad folks.
The talking points of the Republican Right (guns, gays, abortion, etc.) are meant to drag middle and lower income workers into the fold of a rich mans club. But guess what folks, you get none of the perks. You are being used and sold a bill of goods. Wake up America. You are walking in single file to the slaughter house wearing a "shit eating" grin.
80% of Republicans are actually Democrats who are not paying attention.
You may not always agree with Democrats but the Left is the only party a working stiff who earns a weekly paycheck can find relief. Next time you think of a 40 hour work week, paid vacation, social security, safe work rules, and on and on and on. Thank a Democrat and Vote for a Democrat.
If you still consider yourself a Republican...........Then my friend you are a MORON.
First, open your mind and put aside the talking points that Fox Noise (News) and the Limbaugh’s of the world use as weapons………abortion, gays, guns, terrorism, and family freaking values.
So you call yourself a Republican. Sit yourself down, take a deep breath and look me right in the eye………………Are you out of your freaking mind????? Are you a millionaire? Are you in the top 1% income bracket in this nation? Do you belong to an exclusive country club? Does Saturday seem similar to any other day of the week? Do you own a huge company who employees undocumented workers? Did you receive bonus compensation this year in the amount of six figures? Did your company receive "No Bid" contracts from the federal government for sub par services delivered in Iraq?
If you answered no to any or all of the questions above then folks I have a news flash for you………………..YOU ARE NOT A REPUBLICAN. You may wish you were but none the less you are not, and never should be a Republican. You are a wannabe Republican.
Now answer these questions………….Do you fear for your job? Do you worry late at night that you might not be able to make the mortgage payment, or the car payment? Do you worry that a serious illness could bankrupt you? Do you check the amount on your paycheck each payday? Do you check your balance in your checking account often? Do you sometimes wonder how you will afford to send your children to college? Does a week’s vacation require a year of planning?
If you answered yes to any or all of these questions folks…………….YOU ARE NOT A REPUBLICAN!!!!
Did you realize that last year the top 1% richest individuals in the country had an increase in income that was larger than the total income of the bottom 20%?
Warren Buffet, the third richest men in the world actually pays a smaller percentage (17% of $46 million) in taxes than his very own secretary who pays 30% of her $60,000. Thanks to the Republican tax cuts of the past 7 years. . That is sad folks.
The talking points of the Republican Right (guns, gays, abortion, etc.) are meant to drag middle and lower income workers into the fold of a rich mans club. But guess what folks, you get none of the perks. You are being used and sold a bill of goods. Wake up America. You are walking in single file to the slaughter house wearing a "shit eating" grin.
80% of Republicans are actually Democrats who are not paying attention.
You may not always agree with Democrats but the Left is the only party a working stiff who earns a weekly paycheck can find relief. Next time you think of a 40 hour work week, paid vacation, social security, safe work rules, and on and on and on. Thank a Democrat and Vote for a Democrat.
If you still consider yourself a Republican...........Then my friend you are a MORON.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Bhutto Becomes Casualty in NeoCons Game
June 5, 1968 and December 27, 2007
I feel similar today as I felt in 1968 watching as an up and coming star was taken from America. The assassination of Robert F. Kennedy in Chicago replayed in my head much of the day. He was taken out just as his political star was rising to its panicle. Now nearly 40 years later the majority of Pakistan civilians are mourning the loss of Former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto. Another star that has been extinguished by the forces of evil and a direct result of our meddling.
Pakistan is a powder keg ready to explode. The destiny of that country was set in motion in 2000. That day Sandra Day O’Conner and the Supreme Court appointed George W. Bush to the Presidency of the United States of America. A coup was perpetrated that day but that is another story. That action set in motion a set of circumstances by which Americans foreign policy would change the landscape of the Middle East forever. The Neocons wanted war and upheaval in the Middle East. Chaos breeds chaos and chaos allows people to steal.
The invasion of Iraq, Afganistan, and our bullying of Iran has bolstered hatred for us in every corner of the region. Pervez Muscharraf, a ruthless dictator, who possesses nuclear weapons, has become a necessary evil. A necessary evil……….lets think now….that sounds familiar to another tyrant in the region we just disposed of. This assassination has emboldened the extremists in the area and placed the Bush administrations wet dream of “our kind of” democracy for all in a bit of a bind that may make Iran second on our list of shit to worry about.
Bush today condemned the assassination from his cozy little ranch in Crawford, Texas. But I can assure you that behind closed doors Darth Vader Cheney and Skippy Do Da Bush are laughing it up. This places yet another piece of the puzzle in the Middle East game into play. Cheney and Muscharraf are buddy’s. Of course, I don’t think he has been hunting with Cheney yet. I truly believe Muscharraf was instrumental in the assassination. This will extend his rule and he will remain a player.
Look for turmoil and mayhem in the weeks to come. 2008 may be the year we will all remember for the wrong reasons. Remember that this country processes the bomb. Strangely it was never included in the Axis of Evil speech yet it is the hideout of Osama Bin Ladin. Call me crazy but I find that a convenient coincidence
I feel similar today as I felt in 1968 watching as an up and coming star was taken from America. The assassination of Robert F. Kennedy in Chicago replayed in my head much of the day. He was taken out just as his political star was rising to its panicle. Now nearly 40 years later the majority of Pakistan civilians are mourning the loss of Former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto. Another star that has been extinguished by the forces of evil and a direct result of our meddling.
Pakistan is a powder keg ready to explode. The destiny of that country was set in motion in 2000. That day Sandra Day O’Conner and the Supreme Court appointed George W. Bush to the Presidency of the United States of America. A coup was perpetrated that day but that is another story. That action set in motion a set of circumstances by which Americans foreign policy would change the landscape of the Middle East forever. The Neocons wanted war and upheaval in the Middle East. Chaos breeds chaos and chaos allows people to steal.
The invasion of Iraq, Afganistan, and our bullying of Iran has bolstered hatred for us in every corner of the region. Pervez Muscharraf, a ruthless dictator, who possesses nuclear weapons, has become a necessary evil. A necessary evil……….lets think now….that sounds familiar to another tyrant in the region we just disposed of. This assassination has emboldened the extremists in the area and placed the Bush administrations wet dream of “our kind of” democracy for all in a bit of a bind that may make Iran second on our list of shit to worry about.
Bush today condemned the assassination from his cozy little ranch in Crawford, Texas. But I can assure you that behind closed doors Darth Vader Cheney and Skippy Do Da Bush are laughing it up. This places yet another piece of the puzzle in the Middle East game into play. Cheney and Muscharraf are buddy’s. Of course, I don’t think he has been hunting with Cheney yet. I truly believe Muscharraf was instrumental in the assassination. This will extend his rule and he will remain a player.
Look for turmoil and mayhem in the weeks to come. 2008 may be the year we will all remember for the wrong reasons. Remember that this country processes the bomb. Strangely it was never included in the Axis of Evil speech yet it is the hideout of Osama Bin Ladin. Call me crazy but I find that a convenient coincidence
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
God is everywhere. Especially at the Republican Debates
Does it bother anyone else that a majority of the Republican candidates for President do not believe in evolution? Evolution.............? Do we want a President who believes in the Easter Bunny? The Tooth Fairy? How about those elves who bake cookies inside trees? Because if you do not feel it is important for the leader of the free world to have at least one foot planted in the world of reality then the Republican Party is just where you want to lay your head.
I can deal with debates on issues that are reality based. Abortion, gay rights, and immigration all have merit and are real. But a conscious disregard for scientifically based fact is delusion. We all know what I am talking about..........Intelligent Design. Yes, that mindless, baseless, LSD trip into a world of fantasy. A world that is only 5000 years old. A world that was created in 7 days by a loving God. The same loving God that sent a tsunami to kill over 200,000 of the poorest people on this planet.
The founding fathers felt it a necessity to separate church and state. Our country was founded on the belief that each and every one of us has the right to worship his or her god as we please. Not a single founding father said or wrote that as this nation becomes older that we should turn our backs on fact and embrace delusion. Disbelief in evolution is childlike at best and a sickening and scary trip into a world of make-believe at worst.Please pray for us to your God of choice. Or, if you are an atheist, please cross your fingers and hope for the best. Because if a Republican gains the White House with a mindset similar to a Huckabee or Romney then our golden goose is cooked. Hope my fairy godmother has her cell phone on.
I can deal with debates on issues that are reality based. Abortion, gay rights, and immigration all have merit and are real. But a conscious disregard for scientifically based fact is delusion. We all know what I am talking about..........Intelligent Design. Yes, that mindless, baseless, LSD trip into a world of fantasy. A world that is only 5000 years old. A world that was created in 7 days by a loving God. The same loving God that sent a tsunami to kill over 200,000 of the poorest people on this planet.
The founding fathers felt it a necessity to separate church and state. Our country was founded on the belief that each and every one of us has the right to worship his or her god as we please. Not a single founding father said or wrote that as this nation becomes older that we should turn our backs on fact and embrace delusion. Disbelief in evolution is childlike at best and a sickening and scary trip into a world of make-believe at worst.Please pray for us to your God of choice. Or, if you are an atheist, please cross your fingers and hope for the best. Because if a Republican gains the White House with a mindset similar to a Huckabee or Romney then our golden goose is cooked. Hope my fairy godmother has her cell phone on.
Monday, December 24, 2007
Obstructionism=A Lump of Coal in Your Stocking
The problem with the Republican platform of good government = smaller government is that it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. Take our current system and obstruct the hell out of it and you can then point to it and say, “See how wasteful and inefficient it is?” And that’s exactly what George Will does during the panel discussion on This Week with George Stephanopoulos, bragging about the Republican obstructionism but EJ Dionne points out that denying children healthcare isn’t exactly something to brag about.
Obstruction is a key and very powerful tool used by the Right. Since November of 06 when the Democrats gained a slight edge in the House and Senate, Republicans have done nothing but use this tool as a weapon along with the threat of a filibuster, and a mindless drone in the White House to claim Democrats can’t get things done. I do not know how the Right sleeps at night. Deny children healthcare? Cut benefits to veterans? But claim you are the party that can get things done. Obstructionism should be a 4 letter word. Republicans should be ashamed of themselves.
Remember, the day will come when a Democrat is in the White House and you will rue the day you used obstructionism as a weapon.
My New Years wish for 2008 is that the Democrats claim large majorities in House and Senate as well as a Clinton in the White House again. Hillary may not be the best but it will be worth it to see every sniveling, self righteous Republican’s eyes when “Bill” is standing back in the Rose Garden of the White House.
Obstruction is a key and very powerful tool used by the Right. Since November of 06 when the Democrats gained a slight edge in the House and Senate, Republicans have done nothing but use this tool as a weapon along with the threat of a filibuster, and a mindless drone in the White House to claim Democrats can’t get things done. I do not know how the Right sleeps at night. Deny children healthcare? Cut benefits to veterans? But claim you are the party that can get things done. Obstructionism should be a 4 letter word. Republicans should be ashamed of themselves.
Remember, the day will come when a Democrat is in the White House and you will rue the day you used obstructionism as a weapon.
My New Years wish for 2008 is that the Democrats claim large majorities in House and Senate as well as a Clinton in the White House again. Hillary may not be the best but it will be worth it to see every sniveling, self righteous Republican’s eyes when “Bill” is standing back in the Rose Garden of the White House.
The Twelve Days of Impeachment
The lies and crimes of the Bush crime family keep piling up as the year comes to a close. Bu here are twelve that should land his ass and most of his administration in Leavenworth or worse.
1) The now famous Downing Street Memo, along with the testimony of former Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neil show direct evidence of a decision by Bush to invade a sovereign foreign nation (Iraq) on a well thought out and complete bag of lies.
2) The decision to use chemical weapons in Fallujah in an attempt to stem the tide of so-called insurgents. This decision came from Rumsfeld who no doubt covered his ass by receiving the OK from Bush to use these banned weapons. The same type of weapon the bad guy Saddam used on his own people. God, I get tired of that being an excuse from the 20%ers to justify the invasion.
3) Authorizing torture of POW's or civilians who were in the wrong place at the wrong time - a direct violation of the protocols of the Geneva Convention. The USA tortures people. Write that down and remember it. Your grand children will have questions about this one.
4) Holding so called "non-combatant civilians" for an indefinite period of time, depriving them of the court system, access to counsel, and access to family members who could plead their case to the public. A general banning of habeas corpus, which is every human beings right to respond to charges against them. This practice has been used since the Middle Ages.
5) Kidnapping so called "terror suspects" , placing them on Rendition Airways, and sending them to countries like Uzbekistan who boil these ,untried, innocent until proven guilty people alive.
6) Full prior knowledge of 9/11 by Bush, Rice, and the top Neocons at the Pentagon . The only ones warned were Fmr. SF. Mayor Willie Brown, Salman Rushdie (Via Scotland Yard) and Ariel Sharon, who cancelled his trip to NYC scheduled for the weekend prior to 9/11.
7) Engaging in a massive voter fraud and suppression campaign in the state of Ohio to secure a second term by fraudulent means. Such activities carry criminal sanctions as outlined in the Voting Rights Act of 1965. This one alone should get his ass placed in chains
9) Engaging in a systematic campaign of depriving political dissidents of their 1st amendment rights to condemn Bush administration policy. Protesters are jerked out of crowd and summarily arrested and jailed. The Secret Service, under orders of the President, conduct "Harassment and intimidation Interviews" of anti -Bush political activists.
10) Conspiring to rig the vote count in the state of Fl. by hacking optical scan machines and E-voting machines and covering up the latter by passing legislation in the state of Fl to prevent post-election examination of E-voting machines. Thanks Bro!!
11) Illegally transferring $700 million from the budget for the war in Afghanistan for war preparations in Iraq in July 2002, without Congressional Approval. This is a Constitutional violation.
12) The "outing" of CIA operative Valerie Plame. This action weakened the country and the CIA itself. Bob Novak, Scooter Libby, Cheney and Bush should all be convicted as traitors to the country and suffer the consequences.
Ok, so there are 13 days of impeachment. Sue me.
13) Lying through your teeth and conspiring with the unholy to drag our ass into a war that did not need to be fought. Costing the lives of over 600,000 innocent Iraqi civilians, over 3000 young American lives, tens of thousands of young men and women who will never be the same physically again. Trillions of dollars lost, pissed away, or served on trays to cronies and friends as No Bid Contracts. All of which falls under the umbrella of fear of 9/11.
Now you have the 13 days of impeachment. Yet, Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House still insists that Impeachment is not on the table. What would this madman have to do for her to consider placing impeachment back on the table? God, I long for the days of Tip O’Neil a cigar smoking, bourbon drinking, hard ass Democrat who could smell blood in the water a mile away. I know he is spinning in his grave watching the spineless Democrats turn into lap dogs for this Unholy President.
Remember you Kool aide drinking 20%ers………….Clinton only got a blow job from a consenting female.
1) The now famous Downing Street Memo, along with the testimony of former Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neil show direct evidence of a decision by Bush to invade a sovereign foreign nation (Iraq) on a well thought out and complete bag of lies.
2) The decision to use chemical weapons in Fallujah in an attempt to stem the tide of so-called insurgents. This decision came from Rumsfeld who no doubt covered his ass by receiving the OK from Bush to use these banned weapons. The same type of weapon the bad guy Saddam used on his own people. God, I get tired of that being an excuse from the 20%ers to justify the invasion.
3) Authorizing torture of POW's or civilians who were in the wrong place at the wrong time - a direct violation of the protocols of the Geneva Convention. The USA tortures people. Write that down and remember it. Your grand children will have questions about this one.
4) Holding so called "non-combatant civilians" for an indefinite period of time, depriving them of the court system, access to counsel, and access to family members who could plead their case to the public. A general banning of habeas corpus, which is every human beings right to respond to charges against them. This practice has been used since the Middle Ages.
5) Kidnapping so called "terror suspects" , placing them on Rendition Airways, and sending them to countries like Uzbekistan who boil these ,untried, innocent until proven guilty people alive.
6) Full prior knowledge of 9/11 by Bush, Rice, and the top Neocons at the Pentagon . The only ones warned were Fmr. SF. Mayor Willie Brown, Salman Rushdie (Via Scotland Yard) and Ariel Sharon, who cancelled his trip to NYC scheduled for the weekend prior to 9/11.
7) Engaging in a massive voter fraud and suppression campaign in the state of Ohio to secure a second term by fraudulent means. Such activities carry criminal sanctions as outlined in the Voting Rights Act of 1965. This one alone should get his ass placed in chains
8) The attempt to quash the testimony of Sibel Edmondsl ,
9) Engaging in a systematic campaign of depriving political dissidents of their 1st amendment rights to condemn Bush administration policy. Protesters are jerked out of crowd and summarily arrested and jailed. The Secret Service, under orders of the President, conduct "Harassment and intimidation Interviews" of anti -Bush political activists.
10) Conspiring to rig the vote count in the state of Fl. by hacking optical scan machines and E-voting machines and covering up the latter by passing legislation in the state of Fl to prevent post-election examination of E-voting machines. Thanks Bro!!
11) Illegally transferring $700 million from the budget for the war in Afghanistan for war preparations in Iraq in July 2002, without Congressional Approval. This is a Constitutional violation.
12) The "outing" of CIA operative Valerie Plame. This action weakened the country and the CIA itself. Bob Novak, Scooter Libby, Cheney and Bush should all be convicted as traitors to the country and suffer the consequences.
Ok, so there are 13 days of impeachment. Sue me.
13) Lying through your teeth and conspiring with the unholy to drag our ass into a war that did not need to be fought. Costing the lives of over 600,000 innocent Iraqi civilians, over 3000 young American lives, tens of thousands of young men and women who will never be the same physically again. Trillions of dollars lost, pissed away, or served on trays to cronies and friends as No Bid Contracts. All of which falls under the umbrella of fear of 9/11.
Now you have the 13 days of impeachment. Yet, Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House still insists that Impeachment is not on the table. What would this madman have to do for her to consider placing impeachment back on the table? God, I long for the days of Tip O’Neil a cigar smoking, bourbon drinking, hard ass Democrat who could smell blood in the water a mile away. I know he is spinning in his grave watching the spineless Democrats turn into lap dogs for this Unholy President.
Remember you Kool aide drinking 20%ers………….Clinton only got a blow job from a consenting female.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
With year to go, Bush's legacy a mixed bag
Please check out this story on CNN. With year to go, Bush's legacy a mixed bag Notice that the reporter is one Ed Henry Senior correspondent from the Washington bureau. This guy is a hack and a kiss ass. He lies every chance he gets and omits to serve the Republican right. That is not journalism. Where CNN comes up with dweeb looking hacks is beyond me. Bob Woodward-style journalism of the Watergate era is dead and gone in today’s media atmosphere. Ed looks like the kind of guy who got the shit kicked out of him every day in high school.
Mr. Henry states in his article that "W" might actually be able to save his legacy. What diminision of unreality is this guy living in. "W's" legacy is beyond repair and beyond reproach as the worst and most dangerous President to occupy the Oval office. His disregard for human decency and human life will be compared to other stellar indiviuals from the the past like Stalin and Napoleon. This man single handedly has contributed to giant steps backward in diplomatic, economic, and simple human connection with the world at large. Mr. Bush will leave office with the world far worse off than when he entered the mix.
The major networks and newspapers have stooped to a new low in journalstic integrity. They hire anyone and allow them to be pundints rather than reporters. Hello?? CNN?? Do you have anyone in your organization that can print the truth. The world is getting tired of the bull shit you guys pass off as news and investigative journalism. How about we hire some hungry Woodward/Bernstein types and possibly print a story or two that doesn't stink to high heaven of bias and slant? But no, that would require CNN to grow a set of balls. CNN is a disgrace to journalism.
Mr. Henry states in his article that "W" might actually be able to save his legacy. What diminision of unreality is this guy living in. "W's" legacy is beyond repair and beyond reproach as the worst and most dangerous President to occupy the Oval office. His disregard for human decency and human life will be compared to other stellar indiviuals from the the past like Stalin and Napoleon. This man single handedly has contributed to giant steps backward in diplomatic, economic, and simple human connection with the world at large. Mr. Bush will leave office with the world far worse off than when he entered the mix.
The major networks and newspapers have stooped to a new low in journalstic integrity. They hire anyone and allow them to be pundints rather than reporters. Hello?? CNN?? Do you have anyone in your organization that can print the truth. The world is getting tired of the bull shit you guys pass off as news and investigative journalism. How about we hire some hungry Woodward/Bernstein types and possibly print a story or two that doesn't stink to high heaven of bias and slant? But no, that would require CNN to grow a set of balls. CNN is a disgrace to journalism.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Huckabee is a Huckelberry with a 30.06
I always suspected that Republicans are insane and this proves it. God likes Republicans and animal killing How spooky!
Huckabee is a delusional zealot. This guy really needs some professional help. I could fill several entire editions of Holy Crap with this guy’s religious insanity. I certainly hope he gets the nomination. I hereby proclaim that all "rightwing" religious types help propell this bozo to the very top of the Republican garbage pile. "W" is a loser idiot with a father who had power and money. Huckabee is a loaded gun with no direction but the ramblings of a seniel old one room church preacher. God help us all. Even former enablers are spooked. This boy is off the reservation.
Huckabee is a delusional zealot. This guy really needs some professional help. I could fill several entire editions of Holy Crap with this guy’s religious insanity. I certainly hope he gets the nomination. I hereby proclaim that all "rightwing" religious types help propell this bozo to the very top of the Republican garbage pile. "W" is a loser idiot with a father who had power and money. Huckabee is a loaded gun with no direction but the ramblings of a seniel old one room church preacher. God help us all. Even former enablers are spooked. This boy is off the reservation.
Friday, December 21, 2007
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Karl Rove is crazy and ugly
News summary for the last few days
1. President Bush lied about Irans weapons program.
2. Karl Rove is telling everyone that the Democrates are responsible for the war in Iraq
3. The CIA torutures people and them destroys the video tapes of these sessions.,23599,22885381-23109,00.html
I think that about sums up the past few days. Oh, by the way, I forgot to mention that Mitt Romney is still a Mormon..........But according to him he will not allow the church to sway his opinions. What a dork!! Don't worry Mitt you aren't going to get a chance to sway anyone.
Now lets start at the beginning. President Bush cried wolf sometime ago and claimed that Iran was on the verge of causing World War Three. Suprisingly the intelligence comunity released a report that proves Bush was lying through his teeth. Not only lying on this but also holding the report since October of 06. That report came out about the same time that Darth Vader Cheney had heart palpitations. I wonder if there is any connection between the truth coming out and Cheney's illness. Actually, I was suprised to learn that Vice Pres still has a heart...
The Republican presidental candidates have a real problem now. Each and every one of them was going to use Iran as the center peice of their campaigns. Now with no invasion or war in Iran they have to regroup and think of something else.
Second, Karl Rove made an appearance on PBS during the Charlie Rose show and again showed us how insane he really is. He is now claiming that the Democrates actually were the party that rushed to war in Iraq. Man, this guy is as insane as he is ugly. I guess being out of the loop is too much for Uncle Karl. He made a crazy claim during the interview. Take some time and listen to all 51 minutes. See if you can pick out the crazy parts.
Third. The CIA tortures people and records it. Big suprise there.
The CIA tortures people, records it, and destroyes the tapes. Wow, now I am suprised.
Finally, Mitt Romney is apologizing for being a Mormon. If you ask me, well he should. Kennedy may have been the first Catholic but I can say without any possibility of being wrong that there will never be a Mormon in the White House. Come on Mitt, your are no Jack Kennedy. But you do look very handsome. Hey, how about having one or two of your sons join the military and go fight in Iran.
1. President Bush lied about Irans weapons program.
2. Karl Rove is telling everyone that the Democrates are responsible for the war in Iraq
3. The CIA torutures people and them destroys the video tapes of these sessions.,23599,22885381-23109,00.html
I think that about sums up the past few days. Oh, by the way, I forgot to mention that Mitt Romney is still a Mormon..........But according to him he will not allow the church to sway his opinions. What a dork!! Don't worry Mitt you aren't going to get a chance to sway anyone.
Now lets start at the beginning. President Bush cried wolf sometime ago and claimed that Iran was on the verge of causing World War Three. Suprisingly the intelligence comunity released a report that proves Bush was lying through his teeth. Not only lying on this but also holding the report since October of 06. That report came out about the same time that Darth Vader Cheney had heart palpitations. I wonder if there is any connection between the truth coming out and Cheney's illness. Actually, I was suprised to learn that Vice Pres still has a heart...
The Republican presidental candidates have a real problem now. Each and every one of them was going to use Iran as the center peice of their campaigns. Now with no invasion or war in Iran they have to regroup and think of something else.
Second, Karl Rove made an appearance on PBS during the Charlie Rose show and again showed us how insane he really is. He is now claiming that the Democrates actually were the party that rushed to war in Iraq. Man, this guy is as insane as he is ugly. I guess being out of the loop is too much for Uncle Karl. He made a crazy claim during the interview. Take some time and listen to all 51 minutes. See if you can pick out the crazy parts.
Third. The CIA tortures people and records it. Big suprise there.
The CIA tortures people, records it, and destroyes the tapes. Wow, now I am suprised.
Finally, Mitt Romney is apologizing for being a Mormon. If you ask me, well he should. Kennedy may have been the first Catholic but I can say without any possibility of being wrong that there will never be a Mormon in the White House. Come on Mitt, your are no Jack Kennedy. But you do look very handsome. Hey, how about having one or two of your sons join the military and go fight in Iran.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Liar liar pants on Fire
President Bush stated today that despite the NIE (National Intelligence Estimate) stating that Iran has not had a nuclear weapons program since 2003 that they are still a threat. He forgot to mention that he is a big fat liar. In August of this year W was warning the world that Iran was on the brink of nuclear capability and World War III was just around the corner. Information has been uncovered that this administration received this report in October of 2006. But kept it under raps until December 4, 2007. It is obvious that in the build up to war with Iran this information would weigh heavily on Republican chances in November. Information like this would also put into jepardy the willingness of America to fall for the same BS they fell for in the lead up to war with Iraq.
Bush and Company are in a pickle. Crediability is zilch now with our allies. Cry wolf enough and eventually people will not listen or care.
Bush and Company are in a pickle. Crediability is zilch now with our allies. Cry wolf enough and eventually people will not listen or care.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
The Truth Stings Like A Bitch
Open letter to someone who thinks I am missing the point
Yeah, the “missing point” is that when the “Right” is pushed into a corner by the truth they will always blame Clinton. It is inevitable. The events that led to the World Trade Center attack was a product of US middle east policy over the last 25 years. But when you purposely ignore warning after warning about an inevitable attach like Bush did then go on vacation for the month of August it becomes your fault.
Don’t put a lot of stock in the site. It has Fox News as one of its sources. Fox News is owned and operated by Rupert Murdock, a hard core neoconservative, one of the “greedy corporate world” who spins the news to suit his agenda. I refer to Fox News as Fox Noise. They wouldn’t know the truth if they tripped over it. Fox Noise viewers are very patriotic and very misinformed. They refer to anyone who is different as “those people.” Not a very Christian thing to do. Fear and lies are what Fox sells. If you get your information solely from Fox News then I have some ocean front property in Arizona I can sell you.
Saddam Hueissen had nothing to do with the attacks on the World Trade Center on 9/11.
Fox Noise and Dick Cheney lied to us for years about this but it is simply not true. So we invaded a sovereign country over a lie. The weapons of mass destruction did not exist.
The Right will call you a traitor if you disagree with Iraq policy. They will say that you are not supporting the troops. This administration has never supported the troops. They led them into an unnecessary war, did not provide them with equipment to protect and defend themselves, invaded with no exit strategy, cut their benefits, extended tours, cut funding to veterans hospitals, and I could go on and on and on.
Being a patriot does not mean blindly following a mad man.
Bottom line…………..Are you better off than you were 8 years ago?
“Mr. President…………..Please quit and take your fat little friend with you
Yeah, the “missing point” is that when the “Right” is pushed into a corner by the truth they will always blame Clinton. It is inevitable. The events that led to the World Trade Center attack was a product of US middle east policy over the last 25 years. But when you purposely ignore warning after warning about an inevitable attach like Bush did then go on vacation for the month of August it becomes your fault.
Don’t put a lot of stock in the site. It has Fox News as one of its sources. Fox News is owned and operated by Rupert Murdock, a hard core neoconservative, one of the “greedy corporate world” who spins the news to suit his agenda. I refer to Fox News as Fox Noise. They wouldn’t know the truth if they tripped over it. Fox Noise viewers are very patriotic and very misinformed. They refer to anyone who is different as “those people.” Not a very Christian thing to do. Fear and lies are what Fox sells. If you get your information solely from Fox News then I have some ocean front property in Arizona I can sell you.
Saddam Hueissen had nothing to do with the attacks on the World Trade Center on 9/11.
Fox Noise and Dick Cheney lied to us for years about this but it is simply not true. So we invaded a sovereign country over a lie. The weapons of mass destruction did not exist.
The Right will call you a traitor if you disagree with Iraq policy. They will say that you are not supporting the troops. This administration has never supported the troops. They led them into an unnecessary war, did not provide them with equipment to protect and defend themselves, invaded with no exit strategy, cut their benefits, extended tours, cut funding to veterans hospitals, and I could go on and on and on.
Being a patriot does not mean blindly following a mad man.
Bottom line…………..Are you better off than you were 8 years ago?
“Mr. President…………..Please quit and take your fat little friend with you
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