Saturday, March 15, 2008

W lives in a dreamland.

George W. Bush has hit a new low. His latest comments on Afganistan have suprised even me with his ineptness and his inability to use reason. All I can say is "WOW."

I must say, I'm a little envious. If I were slightly younger and not employed here, I think it would be a fantastic experience to be on the front lines of helping this young democracy succeed. It must be exciting for you … in some ways romantic, in some ways, you know, confronting danger. You're really making history, and thanks.

This comment coming from a guy who never served a day in the "real" military and very seldom was seen serving in the fake military of his Daddys National Guard.

Again, all I can say is "Wow."


Saturday, March 8, 2008

Hillary Lieberman... The woman who can destroy the Democrats

Hillary Clinton is acting as if her last name is Lieberman. How dare she imply that John McCain is better prepared to lead this country than her rival Barack Obama?

Has she lost her mind? She has jumped into the mud in the deep end. I guess the Clinton mentality is win at all costs. No matter what the cost to the average American. Hillary said in one of the final debates that "no matter what we will be fine." Here is a news flash for you Ms Clinton, if the Democrates do not win the next White House we will all NOT be fine.

I would expect low life tactics from the Right. But low life tactics from someone in your own party? I would have never guessed she would stoop so low.

I could and would never support Hilllary Rodham Clinton after the last few weeks of slime. I feel that this will cost her campaign in the future. People are tired of this type of infighting.

Hillary believes that she has some sort of birthright to occupy the White House. There is no birthright.

Go home Hillary and be a mediocre Senator.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Grandpa McCain.....he is what Congress looks like.

John Grandpa McCain is in a terrible spot. Since he has offhandedly anointed Barrack Obama as his eventual opponent in the November election he has become the "crabby old man" down the street. Claiming that Barrack Obama is too inexperienced to be the Commander in Chief is as lame as the latest Hillary commercial showing her at 3 am taking the dreaded "red" phone call. (which doesn't actually exist in the real world) McCain is representative of all that is wrong with America. His very presence is ancient and archaic. His ideas are as old as a rusting jalopy out in the back yard. He is by his very nature what Congress actually looks like. When you look at John you see rust and lack of movement.

He continues to tout his experience and his support of the surge in Iraq. John, chill out and pick up the shuffleboard stick. That boat done sailed. The surge may in fact have quelled violence to some extent. This would be in great part due to Muqtada al-Sadr ordering his military to lay down arms for six months. But the fact remains that the cost in lives and dollars will make not only the surge a colossal military mistake but the war itself the largest boondoggle in American military history. George W. Bush's name will be synonymous with this boondoggle and John McCain is itching for the fourth chair behind Cheney and Rumsfeld. I predict that the word Bush will actually become an adverb in the coming years. "Hey dumb ass you really Bushed that one."

Grandpa McCain didn’t just vote to authorize the war; in response to a question from Tim Russert in September 2002, he lent his military credibility to the administration’s undermanned war plan. When Gen. Eric Shinseki, the Army chief of staff, challenged that strategy in a February 2003 Senate hearing by calling for “several hundred thousand soldiers,” Mr. McCain did not speak up" in support. Later that month he went on “Hannity & Colmes” to say that the war “will be brief,” that post-Saddam Iraq is “going to be paid for by the Iraqis,” and that America will “send a message” from Syria to Saudi Arabia that “democracy can take hold in the Middle East.”

Hillary and McCain are searching desperately for dirt on Mr. Obama. Good luck folks. John has to come to the realization that even if Republicans buy his Iraq War "is good" argument then you still have to convince an overwhelming, may I even say "landslide", of new and independent voters that More of the Same is good for the average American. Barrack Obama may be all fluff and no substance. But his message is clear and is becoming more and more believable and possible. This November has the markings of an election for the record books.

Grandpa John may not be the only "crabby old man" down the street. If the landslide continues to grow many Republicans will be looking for work in the public sector. What a shame. My only hope is that this train wreck can be slowed and eventually stopped and reversed. We have many dark days ahead. I hope that the dim light I see ahead is the dawning of a new era in American politics and not a runaway train coming from the opposite direction.

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