Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The Occupation will last till 2009.........at least.

Prediction........................... Occupation of Iraq will last until at least 2009. Hundreds more soldiers will die, thousands more innocent civilians will die, and billions of dollars will be stolen.

Congress does not have the balls, nor the votes to overide a veto of a funding bill.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

The World According to Vernon Zelch

I am a liberal left leaning Democrat. I feel government is for the people and by the people. Most citizens do not realize we in fact have a three party government. There are Democrats, Republicans, and Neocons. I can discuss issues with Democrats or Republicans and even see their side of each. I find myself on occasion even agreeing with many points they may make. But when Neocons discuss issue they tend to lay blame and accept none. Typically the name Clinton is used over and over again. I supported Bill Clinton. But I did not agree with all of his policies; NAFTA and welfare reform to mention a few.

But nonetheless, I agreed with his overall philosophy and his belief in fair government.

Neocon pundits such as William (Bill) Kristol, Bill O’Rielly, Fox News, and the lovely Limbaugh are dangerous. All of what they preach is based on a hatred of the left and tunnel vision. Vernon Zelch’s column in a much smaller part is just as dangerous. Mr Zelch can take any situation or policy and blame the left. Following a philosophy or a political party blindly is dangerous. Writing a column based on that philosophy is even more dangerous. Opinion should be based on some sort of fact. Not skewed or spun.

I am sure most find Mr. Zelch’s timely column at best humorous, and at worst full of holes. But if you base your future or your children’s future on his slanted view of the world I suggest you save your vote for American Idol.

NeoCons Suck

Republicans I can stand. Neocons I detest. The Bush administration is full of neocon bastards. Someone from the Democratic Party must stand up and do what is right.

The only thing Republican neocons acknowledge is force. Force that is brought on by political power. The following is simply a metephor!!! You have to slit their throats and when they fall to the ground you must kick them until they stop wiggling.

Democrats have been to kind and generous to the opposing party for as long as I can remember. The only thing these guys respond to is force. Kick them when they are down. Take no prisioners. Someone has to stand up for what is right and what is moral. Come on Democrats, you can do better.


What freedom are they fighting for?

When I am confronted with the statement "They are fighting for our freedom" either in the media or face to face I have been perplexed and angry. I have always found myself arguing they are not fighting and dying for any freedoms that I am aware.

But I have come to realize over the past few years that the soldiers who have died in this ill conceived "occupation" have in fact in a strange and backward way died for yours and my freedoms. The sad and sick fact is that young men and women are dying so that everyone in America will become so sick and fed up with the carrnage that the vote in 2008 will be overwelmingly Democratic.

The election of 2008 will need to be so overwelming to the left that no degree of election fixing, disenfrancisement, or out and out cheating will work. The deck is being stacked as we speak. U.S. Attorney's have been put in place to rule in favor of the Right. Rove is hard at work to bring a 1000 year reign of the Right.

So remember when the bumper sticker says Support the Troops. They "really" are fighting for our freedoms. You realize of course we are living in bizarro world. Up is down, black is white, right is wrong.

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