Friday, December 28, 2007

Republican Wannabes

If you consider yourself a good Republican then we need to talk for a moment.

First, open your mind and put aside the talking points that Fox Noise (News) and the Limbaugh’s of the world use as weapons………abortion, gays, guns, terrorism, and family freaking values.

So you call yourself a Republican. Sit yourself down, take a deep breath and look me right in the eye………………Are you out of your freaking mind????? Are you a millionaire? Are you in the top 1% income bracket in this nation? Do you belong to an exclusive country club? Does Saturday seem similar to any other day of the week? Do you own a huge company who employees undocumented workers? Did you receive bonus compensation this year in the amount of six figures? Did your company receive "No Bid" contracts from the federal government for sub par services delivered in Iraq?

If you answered no to any or all of the questions above then folks I have a news flash for you………………..YOU ARE NOT A REPUBLICAN. You may wish you were but none the less you are not, and never should be a Republican. You are a wannabe Republican.

Now answer these questions………….Do you fear for your job? Do you worry late at night that you might not be able to make the mortgage payment, or the car payment? Do you worry that a serious illness could bankrupt you? Do you check the amount on your paycheck each payday? Do you check your balance in your checking account often? Do you sometimes wonder how you will afford to send your children to college? Does a week’s vacation require a year of planning?

If you answered yes to any or all of these questions folks…………….YOU ARE NOT A REPUBLICAN!!!!

Did you realize that last year the top 1% richest individuals in the country had an increase in income that was larger than the total income of the bottom 20%?

Warren Buffet, the third richest men in the world actually pays a smaller percentage (17% of $46 million) in taxes than his very own secretary who pays 30% of her $60,000. Thanks to the Republican tax cuts of the past 7 years. . That is sad folks.

The talking points of the Republican Right (guns, gays, abortion, etc.) are meant to drag middle and lower income workers into the fold of a rich mans club. But guess what folks, you get none of the perks. You are being used and sold a bill of goods. Wake up America. You are walking in single file to the slaughter house wearing a "shit eating" grin.

80% of Republicans are actually Democrats who are not paying attention.

You may not always agree with Democrats but the Left is the only party a working stiff who earns a weekly paycheck can find relief. Next time you think of a 40 hour work week, paid vacation, social security, safe work rules, and on and on and on. Thank a Democrat and Vote for a Democrat.

If you still consider yourself a Republican...........Then my friend you are a MORON.

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