Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Liar liar pants on Fire

President Bush stated today that despite the NIE (National Intelligence Estimate) stating that Iran has not had a nuclear weapons program since 2003 that they are still a threat. He forgot to mention that he is a big fat liar. In August of this year W was warning the world that Iran was on the brink of nuclear capability and World War III was just around the corner. Information has been uncovered that this administration received this report in October of 2006. But kept it under raps until December 4, 2007. It is obvious that in the build up to war with Iran this information would weigh heavily on Republican chances in November. Information like this would also put into jepardy the willingness of America to fall for the same BS they fell for in the lead up to war with Iraq.

Bush and Company are in a pickle. Crediability is zilch now with our allies. Cry wolf enough and eventually people will not listen or care.

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